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I am a self taught front-end developer from Sweden. My main skills are html5, Css3, Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js and Vue.js as a framework and I can also work with Wordpress. When I'm not working on different projects I like to keep my Front-end developer technologies skills up to date and always learn by experimenting with different designs, animations, smaller size vanilla JavaScript projects or just try out some different libraries that may come in handy in future projects. I also speak three fluent languages (Swedish, English and Romanian) and a little bit of French. I got interested in programming after finishing a course included in my college degree (Development of E-services) which I finished at högskolan Dalarna where I wrote my bachelor's thesis about WCAG 2.0 and accessibility on the web. The course didn't include JavaScript , but Java and Android development. Since I found accessibility on the web rather interesting at that point I noticed how many websites on the web doesn't follow WCAG guidelines. I associated that with my liking for problem solving and that made me curious about web develepment. After graduating from college I started programming and my decision was to take the front end developer path. You can by the way find my bachelor thesis about WCAG 2.0 here, (In swedish).
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